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Chavez Photography Rep Team Application


*** Please read the Rep Team responsibilities 

list thoroughly before applying ***


Applications are open to the classes of 2025, & 2026



Being apart of my Rep Team means you have the opportunity to represent the face of Chavez Photography!


The Chavez Photography Rep Team receives countless perks including a complimentary back to school mini session at the start of the school year with digital images to share online with friends, participation in multiple group sessions, a mini family session, two full solo sessions, one complimentary cap and gown session for all seniors, cash bonuses, group activities, and much more! Read a full list of perks below. I am so excited to kick-start my first rep team and work with an amazing group of students!


*** Applications will close June 15, 2024 at 10 PM. Once applications have closed, I will begin reviewing all applicants and reaching out to parents. If selected, your parents MUST RESPOND to me for your spot to be confirmed on the team. The 2025 Team will be finalized an announced on June 17, 2024.



Before applying, please read the following:


Chosen spokesmodels are required to:


Attend a Meet & Greet event


Participate in a mini session with the full team at the Meet & Greet


Use Chavez Photography as their sole photographer during the 2024-25 school year


Post on social media frequently about Chavez Photography


Book and pay for your session with Chavez Photography for a total of $650 (this is the only payment or fee ever associated with the program. Payment plans also accepted.)


Notify parents of your application. Your parent will be contacted first if you are chosen as a spokesmodel, as well as sign a contract, so please be sure they are aware that you are applying and on board! You will no be able to be on the team without parental permission. 


This Chavez Photography Rep Team includes perks of: 


-One back to school session during the Meet & Greet

-Multiple group sessions

-2 Solo sessions (season of choice)

-1 Mini specialty session (sports, clubs, hobby, etc.)

-1 Prom session

-Seniors receive a complimentary Cap & Gown session

-Private Online Gallery

-1 Photobook

-1 Custom flash drive

-Memory Box

-Cash back referrals

-Group activities

-Team Merch

($1,800 value!)



If you are interested in joining the team, please fill out the form below! Spokesmodels will be chosen 

and announced by June 17, 2024.


Student's Full Name*

Student's Email Address*

Student's Phone Number*

Student's Home Address*

Parent's Full Name(s)*

Parent's Cell Phone Number(s)*

Parent's Email Address(s)*

Student's Instagram Handle*

Name of High School*

What grade will you be entering this year?*

How did you hear about the Chavez Photography Rep Team?*

Why do you want to be a Chavez Photography Rep?*

Are you planning on applying for other photographer's spokesmodel programs? If so, who?*

Where are your favorite places to shop (favorite stores, websites, brands, etc.)? How would you describe your style?*

Tell me about some extracurricular activities, organizations, charities, clubs, sports, jobs, etc. that you are involved in. Be descriptive!*

Tell me about yourself! Don't be shy, I want to hear all about you! How would you describe your personality? Include a few random fun facts!*

Are you a photographer? Do you have an interest in photography? If so, do you have a website or social account? Share it with me!*

If you could do anything or go anywhere for your senior session, what would it be? How would you want YOUR photoshoot to look?*

What are you most looking forward to for the upcoming school year?*

What are your plans after graduation?*

What other commitments will you have during the school year? Away tournaments, competitions, jobs?*

Who is your biggest role model? What influence have they had on your life?*

What is your unisex T-Shirt size and crew neck sweatshirt size? (To be used for possible Chavez Photography Merch)*

One of the main responsibilities of a Chavez Photography Spokesmodel is to post frequently about my business on social media. Are you comfortable frequently promoting a business online?*

I understand the financial obligation can be a bit much for some (let's be honest, times are tough!), and I do offer payment plans. Will be you be paying in full or making payments?

By submitting this application, you are agreeing that you have discussed your applying with your parent(s)/guardian(s) and are agreeing that if chosen you will be required to pay the full + non-refundable $650 at time of acceptance. If payment cannot be made or your parents are not in agreement to your participation, you will not be able to participate as a Chavez Photography Spokesmodel. You also agree that you have read the requirements and if chosen, will attend the Meet + Greet Event. Parents and seniors read thoroughly before submitting: By clicking submit, I understand that if I am chosen as a Chavez Photography Spokesmodel, I will be required to use Chavez Photography as my photographer and will contractually agree to not use any other photographer(s) for the duration of the Rep Team program for any reason. I also understand that this application will be reviewed by Chavez Photography and is not a guaranteed acceptance into the Rep Team program. In addition, I understand that if chosen as a spokesmodel, I am required to pay the full + non-refundable cost of the Rep Team package, but will have the opportunity to earn cash back through referrals. I also understand that submitting this application does not guarantee me a spot on the Chavez Photography Rep Team, but should I be chosen as a team member, that I will receive communication and respond to Sterling by early June 2023.*

©Chavez Photography, LLC 

Colorado Wedding + Elopement + Couples + Family + Senior + Travel Photographer

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